Serves 8
- Hulled Tahini 8 tbsps
- Ground Hemp seeds 4 tbsps
- Raw Honey or Agave Syrup 1 tbsp
- Pinch of Himalayan salt
- Cinnamon ½ tsp
- Melted Coconut Oil or Cacao Butter 2 tbsp
- He Shou Wu 1 tsp (optional)
- Yellow Maca – 2 tsps (optional)
- Tremella – 2 tsps (optional)
Mix all the ingredients well, spread on an oiled plate, refrigerate to set for 30 min till it is solid. Cut in squares or diamonds. Sprinkle with coconut/sesame seeds/cacao and enjoy!
More about He Shou Wu, Tremella and Yellow Maca: